Provita Group

Provita Group


Provita Poultry Feed Ltd

Provita Poultry Feed Ltd (PFFL), a private restricted organization, is setting up a completely mechanized feed handling unit (feed factory) at Baroawlia, Sitakunda, Chittgong in a land region of 1.02 sections of land.

PFFL was fused on January 28, 2016 as a private restricted organization. The Project began its execution procedure in 2016 and come into creation on April 2017 and its creation limit is 10 MT for every hour.

What are the ingredients in poultry feed at provita poultry feed?

Main Feed for Chickens

Alfalfa meal (high protein, good for winter)

Corn (a mainstay for chickens, store whole)

Field peas (for protein, to avoid soybean use)


Oats and/or barley (less than 15 percent of the total diet together)

Healthy poultry require a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates, along with the necessary vitamins, dietary minerals, and an adequate supply of water. Lactose-fermentation of feed can aid in supplying vitamins and minerals to poultry.

Cereal grains

For instance, in the US, Brazil and most Asian countries corn is by far the most important energy source for all poultry feed, whereas wheat is the predominant supplier of dietary energy for poultry diets in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand , Russia and Bangladesh Federation. We Produce poultry feed own at provita group ltd.

Poultry feed is food for farm poultry, including chickens, ducks, geese and other domestic birds. Modern feeds for poultry consists largely of grain, protein supplements such as soybean oil meal, mineral supplements, and vitamin supplement.

Commercially prepared poultry starter, grower, and finisher. Use a coccidiostat in the starter and grower. Follow your feed supplier’s or veterinarian’s recommendation for coccidiostat in the finisher. A poultry chicken will eat about 1 kg of starter, 1.5 kg of grower and 1.5 kg of finisher to reach market weight.